
This case study explores the remarkable transformation of MM Plastic, a power-intensive plastic industry located in Bidadi. Seeking to reduce energy costs and environmental impact, MM Plastic partnered with Suntrop Solar to install a 100kW solar power system, incorporating SunPower solar panels and SolarEdge inverters. Let's delve into the details of this successful collaboration and the outstanding results achieved.


As a power-intensive industry, MM Plastic faced soaring energy costs and significant carbon emissions due to reliance on traditional grid electricity. The challenge was to find a sustainable and cost-effective solution that would optimize energy consumption and provide substantial long-term savings.


Recognizing the potential of solar power, MM Plastic enlisted the expertise of Suntrop Solar. After a comprehensive assessment of their energy requirements and site conditions, Suntrop Solar recommended a 100kW rooftop solar power system featuring high-efficiency SunPower solar panels paired with SolarEdge inverters.


Suntrop Solar's skilled team meticulously installed the solar power system, seamlessly integrating it into MM Plastic's rooftop infrastructure. With precise planning and execution, the system was optimized to generate maximum energy output.

  • Impressive Energy Generation : The 100kW solar power system, comprising SunPower solar panels, has enabled MM Plastic to generate approximately 1.44 lakhs units of clean electricity annually. This significant energy production has reduced their dependence on grid electricity, resulting in substantial cost savings.
  • Significant Carbon Savings: By transitioning to solar energy, MM Plastic has made a remarkable impact on carbon emissions. The 100kW system has led to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, furthering MM Plastic's commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • Exceptional Financial Returns: The investment in solar power has proven highly lucrative for MM Plastic. With returns of over 22% annually, the solar power system has exceeded expectations, providing substantial financial benefits that outperform conventional investment avenues.
  • Rapid Payback Period: The installation of the solar power system has resulted in a payback period of less than 3.5 years for MM Plastic. This swift return on investment showcases the economic viability of solar power, further solidifying MM Plastic's decision to adopt renewable energy.

MM Plastic's collaboration with Suntrop Solar has led to a significant transformation in their energy landscape. By harnessing the power of the sun through a 100kW solar power system, MM Plastic has achieved remarkable results. These include substantial energy cost savings, a significant reduction in carbon emissions, exceptional financial returns of over 22% annually, and a rapid payback period of less than 3.5 years. This case study serves as an inspiring example of how solar power can revolutionize power-intensive industries, providing economic, environmental, and sustainability benefits.

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